BSI certificate profile

BSI certificate profile

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BSI certificate profile
BSI certificate profile
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ISO 14067:2018

Baosteel Chemical Zhanjiang Co., Ltd.
Weiwu Road, Jinger Road
Zhanjiang Iron & Steel Plant
Donghai Island

Certificate number PCFV 779639
As a result of carrying out the verification of product life cycle greenhouse gas emissions, it is the opinion of BSI with reasonable assurance that 基于产品生命周期温室气体排放核查结果, BSI 出具合理保证声明如下: ⚫ The product carbon footprint with the declared unit of a tonne of modified asphalt is 1212.92 kg of CO 2 equivalent. 宣告单位为一吨改质沥青,其产品碳足迹是 1212.92 千克二氧化碳当量。 ⚫ No material misstatements in this product life cycle greenhouse gas emission statement were revealed. 本产品生命周期温室气体排放声明未发现实质性错误陈述。 ⚫ The product life cycle GHG data quality was verified to be acceptable against the requirements of ISO 14067:2018. 产品生命周期温室气体数据质量经验证符合 ISO 14 067:2018 的要求。 This statement shall be valid for a maximum period of two years after the latest issue date on this certificate. Should there be a change in the life cycle of the product whose GHG emissions are being assessed, the validity of this opinion statement will cease. 本声明有效期最长为本证书最新签发日期后两年。 如果正在评估其温室气体排放的产品的生命周期发生变化,本意见声明的有效性将中止。 Additional information 附加信息 Product related information is as follows 产品相关信息如下: ⚫ System boundary for this product 产品系统边界: Cradle to Gate 摇蓝到大门 ⚫ The product system boundary is consistent with its system boundary definition in the CFP report for product carbon footprint, stages of life cycle include the acquisition of raw material, manufacture. 产品系统边界与碳足迹报告中定义的产品碳足迹系统边界一致,生命周期阶段包括原物料获取及制造。 ⚫ The data in this product life cycle greenhouse gas inventory report is from 1 s t Jan. 2022 to 31 st Aug. 2022. 清册中产品生命周期温室气体数据报告期间是 2022 年 1 月 1 日至 2022 年 08 月 31 日。 ⚫ The site specific data include related facilities from its own processes under the operational control of the organization and individual processes under the financial or operational control of the organization undertaking the CFP study. 特定场址数据来自在进行碳足迹研究中组织运行控制下的自有过程中的相关设施,以及组织财务或运行控制下的个别过程。 ⚫ The resources of secondary data include the public documents and the Ecoi nvent 3.8 database. 次级数据来源包括相关的公开文献和版本为3.8 的 Ecoinvent 数据库。
Original registration date Effective date Last revision date Expiry date
Original registration date 2022-10-19 Effective date 2022-10-19 Last revision date 2022-10-19 Expiry date 2024-10-18

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